태국아낙 2004.09.30 00:00 조회 8694

아유타아 크루즈의 경우 보통 방콕에서 출발하여 왕복으로 운영하는 현지일일패키지가 있습니다.<BR>보통 8시정도에 버스로 아유타야로 이동하여 아유타야의 유적지를 관광하고 점심쯤에 ... 아유타야에서 크루즈를 타고 차오프라야강을 따라 방콕으로 돌아오는 코스가 일반적입니다.<BR>아유타야까지 버스로 약 2시간정도 소요되고 크루즈는 보통 4~5시간 소요됩니다.<BR>따라서 버스로 가서 크루즈로 돌아오는 코스가 제일 무난하죠.<BR>가격은 호텔 픽업, 선상디너 포함해서.. 1500바트정도 합니다.<BR>예약은.. 한국의 직영여행사에 하시면 현지에서 행사를 진행하는 업체에 예약을 해드린답니다.<P>마침 일정이 있어서 올려봅니다.<BR>참고하세요.<P>Standard itinerary ayuthaya sign seeing (departure by coach and return by river sun cruise <BR>0730 am –check in at he river city shopping complex , sri phaya pear<BR>0800am -departure by coach from the river city complex <BR>0930am-arrive at the bang pa-in summer palace built during the ayuthaya era the palace is beautifully decorated in both traditional Chinese and European style <BR>1030am-arrive at the ayuthaya the ancient city which was farmer Thai capital for over 400 year nowadays the glory and the beauty of the grand palace and temples in the past has vanish , leaving merely a glimpse of ruins despite this it is good reflection of the past river sun brings you a combination of both the rains and the remaining historical attractions <BR>* wat Maha that : over 600 years old Wat maha that was the heart and soul of the ayuthaya people it was almost completely destroyed by the Burmese during Thai – Burmese war <BR>*Wat Na phra mane : Remain in perfect condition as it was used as the Burmese headquarters the splendid golden Buddha dressed in regal attire , was placed in the temple a long with the three thousand-year –old green stone carved Buddha both are considered as extremely valuable national relics <BR>*wat lokayasutharam : has a mysterious past whereby its origins are unknown the temple enshrines a largest Reclining Buddha image which was built during the Early period of the ayuthaya region the other two ancient temples as well as ruined site also surround the compound area <BR>12.30pm- Departure Wat lokayasutharam for the River sun cruise at the river sun cruise traditional Thai style pier at Wat Pho tang nua , ayuthaya <BR>BUFFET lunch : delicious meal serve in the luxurious surrounding of the cruise boat <BR>-A full menu of Thai and European cuisines , desserts , seasonal fruits , coffee and tae <BR>-Coffee break <BR>throughout the journey you are able to watch the CHO PHAYA RIVER banks scenery from the river sun cruise cither on deck in the fresh cool tropical air or from the refreshing air -conditioned passenger room Either view you get an amazing ling clear view of the life of the inhabitants that dwell along the river , and the unforgettable scenery of children as they greet the visitors going by , making it an altogether worthwhile experience <BR>-Arriving at the city pass he Royal grand palace , pas by wat arun temple ( the temple of dawn ) the temple was the former palace when the capital of ayuthaya vwas replaced by thonburi<BR>16.30pm-(approx) Arrive at the river city complex , sri phaya pier <BR>throughout he trip expert guide explain the history and legends of the respective sights insuring a priceless visit for the tourist , the various sights have been carefully chosen for the visitor to make a comparative Study of the past , The present and the natural beauty of Thailand ‘s countryside making the visit an unforgettable experience . It is undoubtedly a complete program that combines want visitors want to know touch and record in memory not only picture of Thailand ‘s beauty but by experience while at the same time being able to unwind . <P>┃10월말경에 방콕과 아유타야 등을 방문하려고 합니다.<BR>┃<BR>┃숙소나 비행기는 미리 정해 놓은 상태고, 관광지와 맛있는 음식점 볼거리 등에 대한 자료를 구합니다.<BR>┃아유타야 크루즈(로얄오키드홀리데이 프로그램)의 자세한 내용과 방콕 시내와 주변에 갈만한 곳에 대한 자료를 보내주시기 바랍니다.<BR>┃<BR>┃4박5일의 일정으로 방문할 예정입니다. 즐거운 하루 만드시기 바랍니다.<BR>┃<BR>-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<BR>

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