태국관광청 2006.09.19 16:08 조회 5999

푸껫 채식주의자 축제는 10월 22일부터 9일간 열립니다.
날짜를 계산해 보면 27일이 여섯 째 날이라는 것을 알 수 있습니다.

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Schedule for street processions of Chinese Shrines
TUE October 24, 2006 Sapam Shrine
WED October 25, 2006 Samkong Shrine
THU October 26, 2006 Ban Tha Rve Shrine
FRI October 27, 2006 Bang Neow Shrine
Cherng Thalay Shrine
SAT October 28, 2006 Jui Tui Shrine
SUN October 29, 2006 Kathu Shrine
Yokkekeng Shrine
MON October 30, 2006 Sui Boon Tong Shrine

로 채식주의자 축제 홈페이지에 나와 있습니다.

여기를 참고하여 보시라고 하면... 사양하실 건가요. --;

푸껫 채식주의자 축제
(Phuket Vegetarian Festival)
날짜: 2006년 10월 22 ~ 30일
장소: 푸껫의 여러 중국 사원

푸껫에서는 매년 중국 화교들이 순수한 마음과 영혼을 되찾기 위해 고기를 먹지 않고 명상을 하는 채식주의자 축제를 오랫동안 열어 왔다. 신들의 존재를 상징화시키고, 꼬 뗑 기둥(Ko Teng poles)위에 9개의 등불을 밝힌다. 축제의 6번째 날에 종교 행렬이 있는데, 이 때 얼굴과 몸에 피어싱을 하는 진기한 광경이 벌어진다. 마지막 날에는 ‘꼬이 한(Koi Han)”이라는 나쁜 기운을 몰아내는 의식과, 밤에는 신들과 작별을 고하는 의식이 이어진다.

문의: 태국관광청 남부 사무소: 지역 4
Tel: 0 7621 1036, 0 7621 2213

TAT Call Center 1672
Website: www.tat.or.th/festival

October 22-30, 2006

The Phuket Vegetarian Festival is an annual event held during the ninth lunar month of the Chinese calendar. It is believed that the vegetarian festival and its accompanying sacred rituals bestow good fortune upon those who religiously observe this rite. During this time, local residents of Chinese ancestry strictly observe a 10-day vegetarian or vegan diet for the purposes of spiritual cleansing and merit-making. Sacred rituals are performed at various Chinese shrines and temples and aesthetic displays such as walking barefooted over hot coals and ascending ladders with bladed rungs are performed by entranced devotees known as "Ma Song".

The Vegetarian Festival or "jia chai" in the local Hokkien Chinese dialect is believed to have been observed in Phuket since 1825 when the Governor of Thalang, Praya Jerm moved the island's principal town was moved from Ta Reua District to Get-Hoe in Kathu District, in which Phuket's tin mines were located and Chinese immigrants had settled.

Legend has it that during the time, a popular Chinese opera company (called "ngiu" in Thai or "pa hee" in the Hokkien dialect) that was on tour stopped in Phuket to perform for the miners fell. The troupe soon fell ill with an undiagnosed fever and resorted to a strict vegetarian diet in honour the emperor gods Kiew Ong Tai Teh and Yok Ong Song Teh, in the belief that by doing so good health would be restored. For nine days and nights while homage is paid to the Emperor Gods and Star Deities, followers abstain from meat, alcohol and sex. The performers did indeed speedily regain their health leaving the Chinese community in awe and eager to learn more about this natural healing phenomenon.

The opera performers accredited their speedy and miraculous recovery to the observation of a strict vegetarian diet and the faith they held in the accompanying sacred rituals and ceremonies. The locals fervently embraced this new faith.

An emissary well-versed in the tradition subsequently volunteered to return to Kansai in China, where he invited the sacred "Hiao Ho-le or Hiao Ian" incense smoke and "Lian Tui" name plaques, symbolic of the gods, to reside in Kathu. He also brought back holy writings used in the ceremonies. The emissary arrived back in Phuket on the seventh night of the ninth month. Upon hearing of his arrival, the local community went in procession to Bang Niao Pier to bid him welcome. Since then, the procession has become a key component of the rituals.

The afternoon before the festival begins, a great pole known as the "Go Teng Pole" is erected in the grounds of the Chinese shrines and temples. It is believed that the pole provides the means for the gods to descend to earth. At midnight, nine lanterns are hung on the pole to mark the commencement of the fest and two important gods - Yok Ong Hong Tae and Kiew Ong Tai The - are invited down to preside over the ceremonies.

There are other ceremonies throughout the fest notably the invocation of the gods "Lam Tao" who watches of the living, and "Pak Tao" the keeper of the Dead; processions of the image of the gods, and feats of the "Ma Song" devotees. The "Ma Song" are believed to possess supernatural powers when they enter a state of trance as the gods take over their bodies during the ritual. The sacred rituals and aesthetic displays are performed to shift evil from others onto themselves and in doing so, good luck is bestowed on the community.

During the festival, the din of fireworks and drums is a common feature of the ceremonies performed as it is believed that the loud noise drives away evil spirits.

The festival ends with merit-making ceremonies being held at each of the temples. A ritual known as "sadoh kroh" or casting away bad fortune, and the send-off of the gods which is accompanied by impressive firework displays on the last night.

Those who observe the ritual adhere to a strict vegetarian diet for a varying number of days, generally no less than three. Devotees are also expected to observe some strict guidelines such as to avoid the slaughter of animals, cease consumption of meat and refrain from all vice. This brings about good health, well-being and inner peace.

Rules to be observed

Physical cleanliness and spiritual purity during the festival including abstinence.

Cleanliness of the utensils. Utensils are also to be kept separate from those of others who do not observe the vegetarian ritual.

White attire is worn during the festival.

The consumption of meat and alcohol is forbidden.

Those in mourning, expectant mothers and ladies in their period cycle are forbidden to attend the ritual.
Contact information:
E-mail : tatphket@tat.or.th
Phone : +66 (0) 7621 1036, (0) 7621 2213
Fax : +66 (0) 7621 3582

Please click on the map to expand

Kathu Shrine +66 (0) 7620 2245
Jutui Shrine +66 (0) 7621 3243
Bang Neow Shrine +66 (0) 7621 2982
Cherng Talay Shrine +66 (0) 1477 0135
Sui Boon Tong Shrine +66 (0) 7621 3862
Samkong Shrine +66 (0) 7625 4124
Yok Ek Eng Shrine +66 (0) 7622 4218

Event dates and programme details may be subject to change.
Many of the festivals and events listed on Thailand's official calendar of annual events are traditional Buddhist or folk festivals, the date of which is either determined by the Buddhist lunar calendar and waxing and waning moon. These are not staged events. The festivals reflect the rhythm of life in rural Thai villages and local traditions as observed in times past. To ensure you have the most updated information, please reconfirm details prior to travel.
Tourism Authority of Thailand
Email: info@tat.or.th
Website: www.tat.or.th
Tel: +66 (0) 2250 5500 (120 automatic lines)
Fax: +66 (0) 2250 5511 (two automatic lines)

please call 1672.

1600 Petchaburi Road, Makkasan, Rajatevee
Bangkok 10400

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또한 yahoo.com 에서 검색하시면 결과가 7만개 정도 나옵니다.

다달고님이 쓰신글
10월 25일부터 30일까지 4박 6일간의 푸켓 가족여행을 떠납니다.
우연히 오늘 알게되었는데, 매년 음력 9월 1일부터 9일간 채식주의자 축제가 열린다는 사실을 알게되었습니다.

1. 혹시 우리나라 음력과 동일하다면 10월 22일부터 축제가 시작된다는 말인데 맞는지요?

2. 제가 찾아본 바로는 축제 6째 날과 마지막날이 볼만하다던데 우리 여행 일정상 마지막 날은 못보고 6째날 행사를 봐야겠는데 정확한 날짜(6째날의 양력 날짜)를 알고싶습니다.

3. 행사가 열리는 시간대가 궁금합니다. 그리고 장소두요.

아참, 채식주의자 축제에 관해서 인터넷과 태국관광청 홈페이지를 찾아볼 만큼 찾아봤습니다.
제가 궁금한 위의 세가지 내용은 어디에도 없었기에 "어느어느 사이트를 참고하세요"라는 답변은 정중히 거절합니다.

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