태국관광청 2006.07.03 09:50 조회 7495

The weather on Koh Chang

During the high season, from Dec to April, you can pretty much guarantee that you'll have good weather during your stay on KC. There will be some rain during these months but this is almost always due to the island receiving the tail end of a storm, so you get a day or two of grey skies which soon clear and the sun comes out again.

May & June and October & November are usually pretty good too. Expect some rain, often in the for of overnight storms. Days of cloudless skies are rare at these times of year but the odds are that you'll have more sunshine than rain.

July to September are the wettest months. Don't visit Koh Chang if you only have a week in which you get a suntan as you'll probably be disappointed. That isn't to say that you wont see the sun, it will appear but don't plan on spending all day everyday on the beach or outdoors. Grey skies, frequent showers will be common. If you like peace and quiet then this is a good time to visit, if you're a sun worshipper or have kids that need to be amused constantly then bring a bottle of fake tan or a Playstation.

For a pretty accurate weather forecast see the Thai meteorological department's website - www.weather.go.th . Select 'Trat' from the menu for the weather for Koh Chang and around.

마지막에서 두 번째 단락을 보면, 7월에서 9월까지는 우기에 속한다고 볼 수 있습니다.
날씨 참조하셔서 여행 준비하시기 바랍니다.
그리고 말라리아는 걱정하지 않으셔도 됩니다.

궁금해요님이 쓰신글
코창으로 여행을 생각중입니다.
코창의 월별 강수량을 알고 싶습니다.
그리고 코창은 말라리아에서 안전한가요?
과거에 트랏에서 말라리아가 있은 적이 있다 하던데
코창에서도 말라리아가 있은 적이 있나요?

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