타일랜드 업데이트

태국 상무성 수출 진흥국 (Department of Export Promotion, Ministry of Commerce) 주최로 오는 2007년 2월 2일부터 4일까지 방콕에서 '태국 국제 학교 박람회 TIEE 2007 (Thailand International Education Exhibition 2007)'가 개최된다.

▣Event Name: The 5th Thailand International Education Exhibition 2007

▣Date: 2-4 February 2007 (10.00-18.00 hrs.)

▣Trade days: February 2-4, 2007 (10.00 - 18.00 hrs.)

▣Venue: Queen Sirikit National Convention Center, Thailand

▣Organizer: Department of Export Promotion, Ministry of Commerce,
The Royal Thai Government

Government Sector
1. Ministry of Education
2. Commission on Higher Education

Private Sector
1. International Schools Association of Thailand
2. Association of Private Higher Education Institutes of Thailand
3. The Association of Private Schools for English Program
4. The Association of Thai Software Industry
5. The Publishers and Booksellers Association of Thailand
6. Thai Stationeries and Office Supplies Association

Private Sector
- To promote Thailand to be an international education center in the development of the Southeast Asia Region.
- To encourage international education business in Thailand to be more acceptable in overseas.
- To earn more foreign currency more parents markets.
- To build up confidence on Thailand international education.
- To extend the event to international one.

▣Exhibit Profile
- International School (Pre-school, Primary, Secondary, College, University)
- Higher Education/Vocational School (International Curriculum)
- Short Courses, English Program
- Educational Tools (Publisher, Textbook, Stationery, Educational Software, Toys etc.)

보다 자세한 정보는 홈페이지를 방문해 주시고, 인터내셔날 투어 프로그램도 행사 일정에 포함되오니, 참관에 관련된 문의는 주한 태국 대사관 상무공사관실로 연락주시기 바랍니다.

담당자 : 황 현 님, 전화 : 02-795-2431, 4446